Discovering the Human Body with Body Worlds

The Piercing Course Visits the World’s Most Famous Exhibition!

What better way to gain an in-depth understanding of the human body?

The Milano Tattoo School organized a trip to Body Worlds in Milan for its students.

The goal was to provide them with a unique insight into human anatomy and the plastination techniques used in tattoo creation.

During our visit, we had the opportunity to see how the plastination techniques used in creating the plastinated human body parts in the exhibition can also be applied to the creation of tattoos.

In addition to this extraordinary opportunity, students could closely and intimately observe all the knowledge they had acquired during our anatomy lessons.

The visit to Body Worlds in Milan was a unique experience for students of the Milano Tattoo School.

They got to see how plastination techniques can be applied to create realistic and detailed tattoos.

Moreover, the exhibition provided an opportunity to learn more about human anatomy, with a particular focus on various human body systems, including the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system.

In conclusion, the trip organized by the Milano Tattoo School to Body Worlds in Milan was an educational and informative experience for the students.

They had the chance to learn new techniques and gain a deeper understanding of human anatomy.


The Wireless Tattoo Machines by Dormouse

Dormouse, the official partner of Milano Tattoo School for over 15 months, provides our school with the best and most innovative tattoo equipment in the

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