Milano Tattoo School Launches “Arterie – Encounters within Art”

On Thursday, June 15th, at the Milano Tattoo School, the first of many educational encounters within the “Arterie – Encounters within Art” project commenced.

This project consists of a series of educational events that our school has decided to organize with key figures from the contemporary world of creativity, graphic design, and visual arts.

The protagonist and guest of the first appointment was Luca Barcellona, one of the leading names in national calligraphy, a versatile and highly talented personality.

Proficient in every field of lettering, from type design to letterpress, letters are the primary component of his creations.

The purpose of his work is to merge the craftsmanship of an ancient art like writing with the languages and tools of the digital era.

An important artist who works in Milan, in his personal studio, as a freelance graphic designer and calligrapher.

He co-founded the Rebel Ink collective with Rae Martini and Marco Klefisch, where they bring calligraphy, writing, and illustration to life through live performances.

He has exhibited his works in various European galleries in both solo and group exhibitions, and his works are included in the permanent collections of:

  • Akademie der Kunst in Berlin
  • Harrison Collection at the San Francisco Public Library

Furthermore, he published his first monograph, “Take Your Pleasure Seriously,” published by Lazy Dog Press, of which he is also a partner.

His studies in lettering range from classical calligraphy to writing on large walls, typography, and printing with movable type.

This deliberate combination of classical style studies and his experience in the world of graffiti writing has inspired new generations of calligraphy enthusiasts.

Why “Arterie – Encounters within Art”?

We are surrounded by art. Wherever we go, wherever we look, we can see architecture, sculpture, shapes, designs, and more.

Even in our modern era, art remains a universal language accessible to all and represents a privileged key to knowledge for anyone who wants to use it.

Our school, which places passion and artistic talent at the forefront, cannot refrain from leading students into the world of art in all its forms.

For those embarking on a journey of education within the realms of tattooing and piercing, it is essential to understand the diverse forest of images, icons, colors, styles, and shapes that have evolved throughout history.

This knowledge is fundamental for crafting one’s own highly personalized figurative language, by observing and drawing inspiration from the infinite wellspring brimming with stimuli, examples, and solutions that are available to us.

Hence, the idea of organizing educational encounters on the theme of art in its broadest connotation was born: “Arterie – Encounters within Art” allows students to “touch” the pulse of artistic exploration firsthand.

Follow our “journey” to discover upcoming encounters and the prominent figures who will share their personal art within the Milano Tattoo School.

Accompagnato dal nostro docente di Storia dell’Arte Massimiano Mutarelli, Luca Barcellona è stato protagonista di una bellissima e profonda intervista in cui ha raccontato la genesi e lo sviluppo della sua tecnica, per poi offrire al pubblico una carrellata dei suoi molteplici lavori.

L’Evento si è concluso con una performance live in cui l’artista ha regalato a tutti i presenti una dimostrazione in diretta della propria arte.

Un incontro fondamentale soprattutto per chi nel proprio portfolio da professionista del tatuaggio vorrà inserire il lettering in tutte le sue forme.

Perché “Arterie – Incontri dentro l’arte”?

Siamo circondati dall’arte. Ovunque andiamo, ovunque osserviamo, possiamo vedere architettura, scultura, forme, disegni, ecc.

Anche in un’epoca moderna come quella in cui viviamo, l’arte rimane un linguaggio universale fruibile da chiunque e rappresenta una chiave di conoscenza privilegiata per ogni persona che vuole servirsene. 

La nostra Scuola, che mette passione e talento artistico al primo posto, non può esimersi dal condurre gli studenti all’interno dell’arte in ogni sua forma. 

Per coloro che intraprendono un percorso formativo all’interno della pratica del tatuaggio e del piercing è quindi fondamentale conoscere la variegata foresta di immagini, icone, colori, stili e forme che si sono succedute nel corso della Storia.

Una conoscenza che rappresenta un momento fondamentale per elaborare un proprio personalissimo linguaggio figurativo, osservando e prendendo spunto dall’infinito “pozzo” gravido di stimoli, esempi, soluzioni di cui disponiamo.

Nasce così l’idea di organizzare incontri formativi sul tema dell’arte nella sua connotazione più ampia: “Arterie – Incontri dentro l’arte” permette agli studenti di poter  “toccare con mano” il polso della ricerca artistica.

Seguite il nostro “viaggio” per scoprire i prossimi incontri e i grandi protagonisti che racconteranno la propria personale arte all’interno della Milano Tattoo School.

Seminario teorico sull’etica del tatuaggio

L’etica del tatuaggio

Dov’è finita l’etica oggi? In un mondo sempre più connesso e veloce, sembra che l’etica, quel senso profondo di ciò che è giusto o sbagliato,

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